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MCLE - Disability Rights in the New Gig Economy - Webinar

11/29/2018 5:06 AM | Deleted user

Bar Association of San Francisco

December 22, 2018: 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm



- The applicability of the Americans with Disabilities Act to businesses in the so-called “sharing economy” and some of the challenges that arise when attempting to ensure that the services available through these businesses are accessible to persons with disabilities
- Discussion of nationwide class action settlement ensuring full and equal access to Uber services for individuals with guide dogs
- Discussion of recent class action lawsuits filed in California on behalf of wheelchair users unable to access Lyft and Uber services


Attendees will learn about ongoing efforts to ensure that companies arising out of the “gig economy” do not leave customers with disabilities behind. Michael Nunez of Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld will discuss his role in the nationwide class action, National Federation of the Blind of California, et al. v. Uber Technologies, Inc., which was successfully settled to ensure full and equal access to Uber Services for individuals with guide dogs. Melissa Riess of Disability Rights Advocates will discuss actions recently filed in California against Uber and Lyft, alleging access barriers that prevent many people who use wheelchairs from accessing the services. Both advocates will described lessons learned about advocacy tactics for ensuring that these novel business models are in compliance with state and federal disability access laws.



@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935