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Silicon Valley USPTO & SVIPLA - USPTO Trademark Update

09/02/2018 5:02 AM | Deleted user

United States Patent and Trademark Office Silicon Valley



SVIPLA September 2018 Program

Mary Boney Denison
USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks


Sharon Marsh
USPTO Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy


John Cabeca
USPTO Silicon Valley Director


DATE: Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Please note: day of week changed for September only.


Crowne Plaza Hotel
4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (just north of San Antonio Road)


TIME: Note time change 

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. – Registration, Networking, Appetizers and Cash Bar
6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. – Program


Member - $40
Non-Member - $50
In-house counsel - $25
Government - $25
Student - $20


SVIPLA is pleased to have Mary Boney Denison, USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks, Sharon Marsh, Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy, and John Cabeca, Director, USPTO Silicon Valley, at its September meeting. Their timely USPTO information should interest all intellectual property corporate and law firm professionals, either specializing in trademark, patent, copyright or trade secret law.


Commissioner Denison and Deputy Commissioner Marsh will provide us with a trademark update from the USPTO. They will discuss upcoming rule changes including mandatory e-filing,  U.S. counsel requirement and Statement of Use extensions after Notice of Allowance.  They will also discuss Chinese filing issues, specimen protests, anti-counterfeiting initiatives, Office initiatives to address the cluttered Register, post-registration procedure for modifying goods and services and why you need to know about

Director Cabeca will provide a brief update on USPTO priorities and recent developments.


Mary Boney Denison, USPTO, Commissioner for Trademarks
Mary Denison oversees all aspects of the Trademarks organization, including policy, operations and budget relating to trademark examination, registration, and maintenance. She joined the USPTO in 2011 as Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Operations where she was responsible for USPTO trademark application, legal examination, and registration processes. She has led outreach to the trademark legal community, small businesses, and applicants without legal counsel, and has been an active participant in meetings with the world’s largest trademark offices, promoting projects aimed at harmonizing trademark practices and procedures. While at the USPTO she has initiated several projects to enhance and expand internal and external communications as well as employee career development. The Commissioner is actively engaged in moving the office towards implementing mandatory electronic filing for trademarks, decluttering the Trademark Register, updating the IT systems, and enhancing the customer experience. Before joining the USPTO, she practiced law in the area of trademark prosecution and litigation, as a founding partner of Manelli Denison & Selter PLLC in Washington, D.C., from 1996 to 2011, and as a partner of Graham & James LLP, where she practiced for 10 years.


Sharon Marsh, USPTO, Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy
Sharon Marsh manages the Offices of Trademark Policy, Petitions, and Identification and Classification, as well as the Trademark Assistance Center and the Office of Quality Review and Training. She joined the USPTO as a Trademark Examining Attorney, and then served as a Senior Attorney, a Managing Attorney, and as the Administrator for Trademark Examination Policy before assuming her current position. She is a graduate of Duke University and the Emory University School of Law.


Jonh Cabeca, Director, USPTO Silicon Valley
As USPTO Director, John Cabeca carries out the strategic direction of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and the USPTO. He established and leads the USPTO's west coast regional office in San Jose - a region covering California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii and Alaska. John ensures the USPTO’s initiatives and programs are tailored to the region's unique ecosystem of industries and stakeholders. A veteran of the USPTO for over 28 years, he previously served as the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and the USPTO Director. John has dedicated much of his career to the USPTO's outreach and education programs focusing on small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs. In 2006, he was appointed a Department of Commerce Science and Technology Fellow and was on special assignment to the Executive Office of the President in the U.S. Trade Representative's Office, working with multiple agencies on a variety of international intellectual property rights issues and played an integral role in the Free Trade Agreement negotiations with the Republic of Korea.


If you have problems registering for the September meeting and want to make a reservation, please email Casey at

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION OR CANCELLATION: Monday noon, September 10, 2018. Online registration automatically closes at that time - please make your reservation online by the deadline as there are only a few extra spaces allotted at the meeting for walk-ins. The venue may not be able to serve meals beyond the guaranteed number expected for the meeting.

SVIPLA Tax ID#-77-0491659


MCLE: An application requesting MCLE credit for this activity is pending for approval by the State Bar of California.



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