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MCLE - Mediator Resilience in High Conflict Cases

12/30/2017 5:10 AM | Deleted user

Marin County Bar Association


Section | ADR 


Mediator Resilience in High Conflict Cases



Stephen H. Sulmeyer, J.D., Ph.D.


In order to avoid impasse in high conflict cases it is essential that the parties feel that we understand them and care about them. And yet the openness required to make empathic connection leaves us vulnerable to the toxicity that is often present in such cases. In this talk Steve will explore ways in which mediators can increase their capacity to tolerate high levels of emotional stress while still remaining open and present, as well as proven interventions that can be made from a stance of undefendedness. The result is better outcomes for clients and healthier experiences for mediators.


1.0 CLE | General


Lunch Included with Program




Scott Buell | Email

Kiersten Ross | Email 



Speaker Information

Stephen H. Sulmeyer, J.D., Ph.D.

Stephen H. Sulmeyer, J.D., Ph.D. is a lawyer, psychologist, mediator, and collaborative law practitioner. His psychotherapy practice is based in Marin County, California. He offers alternative dispute resolution services in Marin County, San Francisco, Sonoma County, the East Bay, and throughout the Greater Bay Area. Steve’s unique blend of law and psychology allows him to identify and work effectively with, rather than shy away from, the underlying psychological obstacles that are often the real barriers to the resolution of conflicts. Steve’s conflict resolution work covers a wide range of subject areas including family and divorce, business/commercial, intellectual property, employment, probate, elder, trusts, estate planning, discrimination, partnerships, insurance, and community matters. He is also a trainer in psychotherapy, mediation, and collaborative divorce.





Member Registration



Non-member Registration



Registration ends Jan 17, 2018


Early Bird Members: $20
Early Bird Non-Members: $30

Members: $25
Non-Members: $35


Early Bird ends 1/15/18. October registrations will be honored. No cancellations accepted 5 days before program.


Date and Location

Thursday | January 18, 2018



Wells Fargo Bank 2nd Flr Conference Room
1203 4th Street
San Rafael, CA 94901




@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935