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Free 2.0 hour MCLE event on 2/21/2017, by Alameda County Bar Association on Criminal Justice Propositions

02/06/2017 1:05 PM | Anonymous

2017 Criminal Justice Propositions: Tools for Movement Building and Advocacy

5-8:30 pm, February 21 @ BALI, Co-Sponsored by: Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, BALI, ACBA, and VLSC.

This event will bring together attorneys, legal service providers and organizers to train attorneys and community members on the nuts and bolts changes to the law that took effect after the 2017 election through Propositions 57, 64 and 66. We will conclude with a panel and discussion on larger policy questions: where do we go from here, especially in terms of anti-death penalty work.

Panels:  5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Proposition 64

This panel will bring together attorneys, legal service providers and organizers to answer the following questions:

Who is impacted? Who qualifies for relief?

How can people with marijuana convictions clear their records? What did we learn from Prop 47 about this process?

How can people incarcerated apply to be released?

How can we use expungement as an opportunity to work with and alongside communities and community organizers to build a movement for even more radical drug policy reform?

6:10 pm - 7:10 pm: Proposition 57

This panel will invite attorneys who specialize on parole legal advice and community organizing to discuss how Prop 57 may impact parole hearings and juvenile hearings:

Who qualifies for relief?

How to help people in prison prepare for hearings?

What will change in the parole process?

7:20 pm - 8:20 pm: Where do we go from here? Props 57, 64, and 66

This panel will ask how we can use the new tools Props 64 and 57 have given us to move our criminal justice work forward inclusive of leadership of people directly impacted by the criminal legal system, while addressing the challenges caused by and reflected in Prop 66.

Date and Time:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.


BALI, Alameda County Law Library

125 Twelfth Street

Oakland, CA 94607

Cost:  FREE

MCLE:  2 hrs general MCLE credit

The Alameda County Bar Association is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.  To Register:  Visit; Call 510-302-2201.

@2024 San Francisco Paralegal Association



San Francisco Paralegal Association

1 Sansome Street, Suite 3500

San Francisco, CA  94104

(415) 946-8935